Saturday, October 4, 2008
Must fight the Freshman Fifteen...
-All of my friends
College is amazing, exhilirating and just plain great. But I need to focus on the not so great part of it - the food. I mean, the bad part of it is that Colby's food taste so good but I know it's not good for me. I'm trying to cut back on wheat, sugar, and meat. I want to stick to eating rice, and vegetables and I'm only allowed dessert once a day. It's worked - alittle. I'm going to try to get a drink first and then see what my stomach still has room for. Maybe I should try to keep track of the things I eat in this blog - kind of like a food diary. I know it will bore blog readers to hear me recount what went into my stomach everyday, but I'll try to keep it interesting...
For breakfast today:
I had an omelet with everything in it
Some fruit
and then...(just as I thought I was being good...) 2 cookies and a muffin. Sad - right? I know. I think I've already gained atleast 5 pounds and this is only the first freakin' month of school! No lunch for me and no dessert for dinner...sad face.
posted by Jenny at 12:14 PM - 0 comments
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Name: Jenny
Home: MD, United States
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