Friday, January 18, 2008
"You don't love someone because they're perfect. You love them in spite of the fact that they're not."
-My Sister's Keeper Jodi Picoult

I just finished reading My Sister's Keeper, and it is one of the best books I've ever read. This is probably the only book where I cried after every other chapter. It's a story about a girl, Anna, who is brought to life only to be a donor for her sister who is dying of leukemia. If you were brought to life for one reason and that reason was taken away - who are you? Full of secrets and lines that describe life perfectly, its a must-read!

So...I was very productive today. Yupyup. I shoveled my entire driveway (which is pretty damn long) in an hour, and built a little snowman per my baby brother's request. I have to say, it's been a while, and I love it!

And my whole family is sick, except for me. I'm kinda terrified that I'll be next in line. My baby brother is coughing like crazy - we took him to the doctor and my dad is upstairs, bed-ridden and my other brother is lounging around our living room like a wheel that's lost its grease. My mom's on drugs...well medicine, but tis still drugs...

posted by Jenny at 5:01 PM -
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Name: Jenny
Home: MD, United States
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